It doesn’t matter how wonderful your business is if nobody knows about it. Marketing your business is one of the most important and toughest parts of running your business, but effective advertising doesn’t need to break the bank. There are plenty of outlets in and around East Finchley – many of them free.
Digital advertising:
East Finchley | The Directory
Free business directory. List your business here FREE
I Love N2
Events listings in the community calendar FREE
Finchley Now
Paid advertising opportunities in its newsletter which goes out three times per week to subscribers in the wider Finchley area.
Local Buyers Club
Membership programme for business across London with listings in its area-specific directories. Basic listings are free. Premium package, which includes digital advertising and direct mailing costs £20 per month.
Muswell Hill Families
Membership Scheme with digital direct mail and website advertising opportunities.
Buy Haringey
Digital marketplace for Haringey businesses FREE
Social media:
East Finchley Community
Private Facebook group for N2 with 11,500 members. Business and event listings [once per month] FREE
Hello North London
Paid advertising opportunities on its Instagram channel
N2 Noticeboard
Public Facebook group. Advertise your business services and events [one ad per week] FREE

Printed Press
The Archer
Advertise in East Finchley’s monthly community newspaper delivered free to 10,00 homes and businesses in and around N2. Ads start from as little as £21 per month.
Beach Media Publications
Advertise in a range of bi-monthly magazines including the Muswell Flyer, Highgate Handbook, with ads starting from £36 per month. Leaflet distribution is also available with magazines.
Village Raw
Advertise in the arts magazine for East Finchley, Highgate, Muswell Hill and Crouch End, which ran from 2018-2022 is gearing up for a re-launch in 2024. The magazineis available free in pubs, cafes and public buildings and delivered to subscribers. Village Raw is seeking local busineses to support the much-loved magazine through advertising subscriptions starting at as little as £40+VAT per month.
See the media pack for details of subscription and advertising opportunities
East Finchley Festival, is one of North London’s largest and longest-running independent community festivals, and offers the opportunity to reach thousands of people. The free annual event offers sponsorship opportunities, stalls for independent local traders and advertising in the printed festival programme.
Race The Neighbours, now organised by North London Hospice, offers sponsorship opportunities.